Thursday, October 24, 2013

It is definitely fall in Portland. Hello, fog!

A lovely, foggy, Broadway.

This morning was a productive one!  I decided I needed to capture a little city fog, and the city really delivered.  It was either this, or the BNSF rail bridge this morning, and I'm glad it ended up being this.  Oh, Portland... Marry me!

Jackson Tower, and the Fox Tower, disappearing into the fog.

OK, so this isn't a fog shot, per se, but I still enjoyed this fountain.

Oh yes, that is the staircase for the Broadway.  It was calling my name.

I am not really sure why I felt compelled to take a picture of this fire hydrant, but it beckoned me, anyway.

Oh, Fremont!  You disappear into the fog, ever so delightfully...

Yes, you do.

Big pink, trying to hide from me... heh.  Yeah, not so easy.

I just... really liked the look of this building; the mix of what looks to be really old, along with something modern, and an old, partial sign.

I just want to sit out there, and sing "Moon River".